Tag: Collaboration
Networking with other groups and organizations in our area to assist the homeless.
Winter Mode – Collaborating with others
As the cold weather sets in and the street appearances of the unhoused homeless become less, we turn our focus to assisting shelters and warming facilities. And we are not above traveling beyond our normal service areas when we can afford to do so. There are places in Northern NH, and counties in Maine such… Read more
White Butterfly ‘with a cause’
We met up with a group in Biddeford, Maine called The White Butterfly ‘with a cause‘ and we’re pleased to be able to share some of our inventory with them. White Butterfly provides meals, hygiene items and clothing for Bidderford’s unhoused homeless population and it is a very caring group. You can learn more about… Read more
Concord Coalition To End Homelessness
We are pleased to be working with the Concord Coalition to End Homelessness Resource Center (CCEH for short). CCEH does great work in caring for the needs of Concord , NH’s unhoused homeless population and we are delighted to be able assist this wonderful organization. To learn more about their fantastic work, go to: Website:… Read more
Week In Review
First of all, we were saddened to hear of the death of one of our long-time homeless friends, Bobby H. He was a veteran who served in the U.S. Army 82nd Airborne and had a rough go of it living unsheltered on the streets of Manchester, NH. R.I.P. Bobby. As for the week, as usual… Read more
We Won’t Forget Him
Thursday, February 15 was a very busy day for our outreach. We started at 6:30 a.m. and went to resource centers in Manchester and Concord, New Hampshire, and to several parks and shelters. We handed out hundreds of items and at one park we met a bunch of young people who were half frozen. We… Read more
Busy Times as Usual
We’ve been very busy lately helping coalitions in various cities that assist the homeless and doing our own thing going to parks and encampments to offer hygiene kits, coats, hats, boots, food, and water. The need is great. Our unhoused population is dramatically increasing, and it is difficult trying to keep up. But we’re getting… Read more
You Guys Delivered
Thank you Michael, Deb, Jeff and Gabby. You guys really delivered for us this month. Really appreciate you… Read more
Socks & Hygiene Kits
Today we delivered 450 pairs of socks and 50 hygiene kits to Waypoint‘s shelter for homeless teenagers. We try to work with shelters whenever we have surpluses of items because it gives the homeless in the area that we serve greater access to what they need. We cannot operate without cash donations and donations of… Read more
Saturday – The Day We Deliver
Monday through Friday we try to work our Partners Program sharing what we have with other groups and organizations whose missions are similar to our own. Saturday is the day that we seek to go out in the field with our Help With Basics Program offering hygiene kits, water and socks to the homeless that… Read more
Just Delivered to Waypoint
Just made a delivery of 75 hats to Waypoint in Manchester. Waypoint put out a request for hats for teenagers in a shelter that they operate. It’s great to be able to share our surpluses with other organizations. It gives the homeless a greater chance at getting what they need. Read more