Our news
Gearing Up
Gearing up for big activity during the next five months with our Help With Basics program. We just made a huge purchase of razors, hand sanitizer, shave cream, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, body wash, feminine hygiene products, antiseptic ointments, lip balm, plastic combs, adhesive bandages, ziploc bags, 50-gallon heav- gauge trash bags. If you’d like to…
Handing Out Blankets
Each Fall we get 200 wool blankets and 500 milar survival blankets to help our unhoused friends make it through the winter. We hand them out from late October until the end of April. We’ve got 10 wool blankets and approximately 30 survival blankets left and we’ll get them out tomorrow.
April Has Been Another Busy Month
We’ve had a busy month so far in April. We’ve done a lot with the Concord Coalition to End Homelessness and with our own outreach. We’ve met up with some very interesting folks who’ve formed groups on their own (non 50c(3)’s) to help the unhoused and we applaud their efforts. We handed out a lot…
Balmy Weather
We went to Veteran’s Park this morning. We usually meet an older bunch of unsheltered people there. The weather was a balmy 56 degrees, a welcomed situation for those who live outside in the cold. Handed out water, snacks, hats, blankets, gloves, and backpacks. One individual had no coat and knowing how quickly the weather…
Just A Smile
Unsheltered homeless people are frequently dehumanized — by such things as trauma, addiction, circumstances and fear of others. But we should never forget that they are human beings and, as such, deserving of kindness and compassion. We can help an unsheltered homeless person by making them feel seen, loved and worthwhile. Just a smile or…
Week In Review
First of all, we were saddened to hear of the death of one of our long-time homeless friends, Bobby H. He was a veteran who served in the U.S. Army 82nd Airborne and had a rough go of it living unsheltered on the streets of Manchester, NH. R.I.P. Bobby. As for the week, as usual…
Deliveries Galore
We put out a lot of items this week, clothes, snack packs, hygiene kits, gloves, boots. We hit the ground running on Monday and kept going all week. We picked up some new volunteers which is always good. It’s awesome to have young people come into our group with fresh ideas. Sanitation is a difficult…
We Won’t Forget Him
Thursday, February 15 was a very busy day for our outreach. We started at 6:30 a.m. and went to resource centers in Manchester and Concord, New Hampshire, and to several parks and shelters. We handed out hundreds of items and at one park we met a bunch of young people who were half frozen. We…
When People Offer to Help
We are always moved when people contact us and offer to help, either through donations or by volunteering. We’re all in this thing called life together, and it’s such a wonderful thing when people show kindness and caring for each other and when they try to lift up or help others in need. It’s what…
SHEPHERD’S WAY – Volunteer Opportunities
This offers an overview of the levels of participation available for individuals who would like to volunteer their time to Shepherd’s Way. Further descriptions of volunteer opportunities are available on our About page. SHEPHERD’S WAY HAS THREE LEVELS OF VOLUNTEERISM LEVEL 1 – LEADERSHIP Volunteer on our Board of Directors or as an officer of…