Our news

  • When Homeless Get Moved/Trying to Meet Demands

    Telling it like it is (w/o divulging names, incidents etc – – we try hard to respect the dignity of others). When unhoused homeless get moved from one spot to another, they often go to another camp. This can cause problems (unrest, theft, violent behavior, etc). We might go to a place where we know…


  • Advocating for Affordable Housing

    We’ve been asked why we don’t try to do more to advocate for affordable housing. It’s because it is not our mission. We prefer to spend the resources (financial and human) that we have on providing the basics for the unhoused who are living outdoors trying to survive in the elements: Food, water, clothing, tarps,…


  • The Holy Spirit Is All Around Us

    People have said to me, “Where is Jesus? Why is he not doing more to help?” Then they say, “Christianity is failing!” To that I say, ‘the holy spirit is all around us. Christianity isn’t failing. It’s because too many people no longer want to practice it. They don’t want to make the sacrifices it…


  • OUTREACH – telling it like it is…

    notes of a shepherd’s way outreach worker,,, “It’s 2:30am. I can’t get back to sleep. I am worrying about the young people I meet in the park. I will see them again in a few hours. Teenagers some, runaways no doubt. I know they’re cold; frightened for sure. The evil facing them is too much.…


  • Addiction – compounded by homelessness

    Chronic homelessness often compounds substance use issues. Lack of stable housing situations, trauma, mental health issues, and social isolation all contribute to substance misuse. We are of the opinion that any efforts to address homelessness must include comprehensive support for substance abusers, including substance use treatment and harm reduction strategies.


  • Our ‘Help With Basics’ Program

    Our ‘Help With Basics’ program works primarily through our outreach but we make it available to shelters and resource centers whenever we can. We try to purchase items for this program in bulk from hotel and medical supply companies, wholesale outlets, and rely very much on In-kind donations. In these challenging economic times it is…


  • Unhoused Homeless

    What Affects Them The Most: Limited access to health care. Problems getting enough food. Trouble staying safe. Violence. Stress. Unsanitary living conditions. Exposure to severe weather


  • Tarps Needed

    We could use some tarps. If you have any that are new or lightly used, we’d appreciate a donation. Thank you… tel 603-374-4534


  • Coats and Boots

    We’re starting to collect winter coats and boots to distribute to our unhoused friends and to the resource centers and shelters that we work with. If you’d like to start a clothing drive or make a donation of new or lightly used adult winter clothing, please give us a call at 603-374-4534


  • Depleted Our Stash

    Started at 5 this morning. Went to the usual places where the unhoused homeless congregate. One place our vehicle was absolutely surrounded by people. We were handing out food water and blankets and people kept reaching in our vehicle and helping themselves. Hard to control the situation when it gets like that. We had to…