Our news

  • Ending Street Activities

    In April of last year, for safety reasons we suspended our street activities in a move that I thought would be permanent. But, people within our organization wanted to continue it with increased safety measures. So, we started up again. However, once again, we are running into situations where the risk is proving to be…


  • Thank you, Bob Kennedy

    Thank you Bob for the incredible donation to Shepherd’s Way. God Bless You… Merle Burke, President & Founder Shepherd’s Way, Inc.


  • Thank You for the Great Nonprofits Donation

    We got an awesome donation on August 15th from a donor who contributed to us via the ‘Just Give’ program at Great Nonprofits. Thank you very much for your donation. It is greatly appreciated Merle Burke, President & Founder Shepherd’s Way


  • Donations received in July… thank you!

    Thank You Linda, Marian, Phyllis & Alain. You came through for us in July and we greatly appreciate it — women’s socks and items for the Basic Needs program, Thank you very much for your support. Merle Burke, President & Founder Shepherd’s Way


  • Thank You, Jeri!

    We got a nice donation of women’s socks and tops from our friend Jeri Rines. Thank you, Jeri… Merle Burke, President & Founder Shepherd’s Way


  • Audrey Berry R.I.P.

    We are sorry to hear of the passing of a great volunteer and friend of Shepherd’s Way, Audrey Berry of Tamworth, NH. Audrey knitted over 400 hats for our group over the past three years. They were beautiful, colorful, wool creations that kept a lot of heads warm including many children. She will be dearly…


  • June 2022 results

    550 hygiene kits distributed in June to our homeless friends in Manchester. To all of you who’ve helped us out with your generous donations, thank you…


  • Podcasts

    We are working on producing bi-weekly podcasts. We did put out a couple of shows to see what we could come up with and felt that we needed to do more work to produce a quality product. We’re trying to build something that is professional and worth listening to. It is a work in progress.…


  • Challenging Economic Times Make it Difficult for Shepherd’s Way

    The past few years’ economic conditions have made it difficult for our organization. In 2020 and 2021 we had to deal with two years of covid which caused a huge loss of revenue. Now, in 2022, due to poor economic conditions in the country not only are we dealing with budgetary shortfalls, we are getting…


  • Helping with Hygiene

    On Tuesday, June 7, through our Help With Basics Program we distributed 60 hygiene kits to our homeless friends in Manchester. Our kits include toothbrushes, toothpaste, razors, shave cream, feminine hygiene items for women, shampoo, body wash, hand sanitizer, and pocket combs. Purchasing the items for these kits is a big expense for Shepherd’s Way,…