Our news
Save People From Themselves
A friend said, “You can’t save people from themselves.” To that we say, perhaps not. But we can help them to break the chains of addiction if they need to be broken. And we can help them to find the spiritual support they need to move on to a better path through life.
In 2024, We Delivered!
In 2024, Shepherd’s Way handed out 3,250 pairs of new socks, 217 winter coats, 50 tarps,14 tents, 311 pairs gloves, 300 blankets, 2,400 bottles of water, 1,026 snack packs, 7,600 hygiene items, 400 hats, 70 pairs of pants, 65 shirts, 50 hoodies, and 46 pairs of shoes. For all of you who helped us with…
A Prayer to Protect the Homeless
Lord, we ask that You would be a wall of protection and deliverance around the homeless daily. Watch over them while they sleep and protect them from violence, abuse, and theft. Lord, we cry out on behalf of the children whose families are homeless. Help them to overcome their bleak beginnings and show them…
Cold Doing Outreach Today
We just returned from doing outreach. When we went out this morning it was 11 degrees. Bought coffee for a homeless woman. Started on Elm Street in Manchester where we saw very cold homeless people pushing shopping carts full of their personal belongings. We handed out snack packs. Went to Victory Park saw no one.…
Please Donate Hand Warmers
Our homeless friends are always asking for these….
Get Involved! Advocate for Affordable Housing.
We know that affordable housing plays a major role in homelessness. And we applaud the initiatives of groups and individuals who advocate for it. From time to time, we might make comments about ways that we think the issue of affordable housing might be resolved, and those comments might engender responses and calls to action.…
A Post on Facebook from 39 Beech Street Engagement Shelter
November 2, 2024 “We are so grateful to be Partners with Shepherd ‘s Way. They have helped us, and no questions asked just right to filling the need. They very quickly responded to our request for possible help in finding warm socks for the Homeless. AGAIN, Shepherd’s Way returned our call within minutes and warm…
It Starts With Caring And Empathy
I went to Boston yesterday for a scheduled appointment, and I took snacks to hand out to the unhoused homeless. If you think the unhoused homeless situation is bad in Manchester imagine what it is like in Boston and in the bigger cities. I have seen it and have worked with it. Ten years ago,…
A CHANCE TO HELP…. We love doing outreach, but we’ve always had this goal to expand our services to include addiction recovery programs, life skills training, and educational opportunities. So, what’s holding us back >>>>>$$$$$$$$. It’s not easy getting the necessary funding to do what we’d like to do. In fact, it’s brutally hard. Why?…
We Know!
We know the role that addiction plays in chronic homelessness. We know that many of the people who live on the streets do so because they are addicts and cannot conform to the standards of behavior set by their families, friends, employers, addiction treatment and recovery centers, and homeless shelters. Many people say that they…