Author: Shepherd’s Way

  • Coat Drive

    We are rounding up winter coats for our Coat & Boots Program. If you’d like to donate new or used clean (clean and in next to new condition) please go to our Contact Page and let us know what you have in mind. You can also give us a call at 603-374-4534. And, we always… Read more

  • Replenishing Our Supplies

    We are restocking supplies for our hygiene kits purchasing toothbrushes, toothpaste, razors, shave cream, hand sanitizer, shampoo, and body wash. And we’re finding that in many instances the purchase prices for these items have more than doubled. It’s not easy keeping our programs operating given their cost. Whatever you could do to help us would… Read more

  • Delivering

    Tomorrow we will be delivering water to help our homeless friends stay dehydrated. We’ll also provide ‘snack packs’ with protein and carbohydrates for energy and overall health. It’s hard for our friends living on the streets to get these items on weekends. We’ll help… Read more

  • Saturday – The Day We Deliver

    Monday through Friday we try to work our Partners Program sharing what we have with other groups and organizations whose missions are similar to our own. Saturday is the day that we seek to go out in the field with our Help With Basics Program offering hygiene kits, water and socks to the homeless that… Read more

  • Handing Out Water

    During this heat wave we’re experiencing in our area we’re doing what we can to distribute water to our homeless friends. We are purchasing large quantities of bottled water and distributing it to shelters and day programs and we are taking it directly to the streets. Hydration is very important and, we do what we… Read more

  • Safe Sleeping Sites – Why Not in Our Area or Your Area?

    Here is a link to a unique initiative, Safe Sleeping Sites, that is taking place in San Diego to help the homeless. I sent it to the Mayor’s Office in Manchester, NH, our service area, as a recommendation to assist the homeless in our community. We shall see what type of response it generates. Maybe… Read more

  • More Homeless People Living in Vehicles

    We are running into a lot of homeless people these days who are living in their automobiles. When we do we try to lend a helping hand to them by offering them hygiene kits, water, tents and tarps and other items. If you know of anyone living under such conditions give us a call at… Read more

  • More Homeless People Living in Vehicles

    We are running into a lot of homeless people these days who are living in their automobiles. When we do we try to lend a helping hand to them by offering them hygiene kits, water, tents and tarps and other items. If you know of anyone living under such conditions give us a call at… Read more

  • June, 2023 – A Busy Month

    The month of June was a busy one for Shepherd’s Way. We received many donations of clothes and we gave things out to our homeless friends as fast as we got them. We brought a large amount of food and water to a homeless camp in need and gave out the following items to shelters… Read more

  • Thank You, Bombas!

    We just got an awesome donation of socks from Bombas and it was such a blessing for us and for the people that we serve. Socks are the number one clothing item that homeless people request of us and we give out thousands of pairs every year. This runs into a huge expense for our… Read more